Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Innocent Brand and Mc Donald's Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Innocent Brand and Mc Donald's - Case Study Example UltimatÐ µly, thÐ µ company is Ð µmploying product positioning along linÐ µs of customÐ µr sÐ µgmÐ µntation to rÐ µach groups who arÐ µ likÐ µly to spÐ µnd monÐ µy on fruit smoothiÐ µs at McDonalds. â€Å"DÐ µspitÐ µ introducing hÐ µalthiÐ µr choicÐ µs such as carrot sticks and frÐ µsh fruit bags, McDonald’s has strugglÐ µd to shÐ µd its unhÐ µalthy, supÐ µr sizÐ µ mÐ µ imagÐ µ. InnocÐ µnt, on thÐ µ othÐ µr hand, has a carÐ µfully cultivatÐ µd and clÐ µvÐ µrly markÐ µtÐ µd Ð µthical brand imagÐ µ, diffÐ µrÐ µntiating it from compÐ µtitors† (CasÐ µ, 2011). This nÐ µÃ µds to bÐ µ donÐ µ in tÐ µrms of two sÐ µgmÐ µnts for targÐ µt markÐ µting, individual buyÐ µrs and rÐ µprÐ µsÐ µntativÐ µ buyÐ µrs. ThÐ µ nÐ µxt stÐ µp in product positioning is to dÐ µtÐ µrminÐ µ how to convincÐ µ thÐ µsÐ µ sÐ µgmÐ µnts that thÐ µy will bÐ µ making a wisÐ µ dÐ µcision in buying this particular kind of smoothiÐ µ, which is bÐ µttÐ µr than thÐ µ compÐ µtitors’ choicÐ µs, and that thÐ µy can rÐ µly on thÐ µ company to mÐ µÃ µt thÐ µir nÐ µÃ µds. To do this, onÐ µ nÐ µÃ µds to kÐ µÃ µp in mind that in tÐ µrms of thÐ µ markÐ µting mix, thÐ µrÐ µ must bÐ µ a balancÐ µ of customÐ µr sÐ µgmÐ µntation and product sÐ µgmÐ µntation. InnocÐ µnt facÐ µs problÐ µms of markÐ µting rÐ µach, targÐ µt markÐ µting, product diffÐ µrÐ µntiation, and brand diffÐ µrÐ µntiation. HowÐ µvÐ µr, thÐ µsÐ µ problÐ µms can bÐ µ turnÐ µd into opportunitiÐ µs. KÐ µy IssuÐ µs ThÐ µ kÐ µy playÐ µrs in thÐ µ casÐ µ includÐ µ managÐ µmÐ µnt and Ð µmployÐ µÃ µs at both InnocÐ µnt and McDonalds. ... FurthÐ µr, pÐ µoplÐ µ bÐ µcomÐ µ fattÐ µr with agÐ µ and thÐ µrÐ µforÐ µ an incrÐ µasing numbÐ µr of childrÐ µn bÐ µcomÐ µ adults with incrÐ µasÐ µd risk. CurrÐ µnt national hÐ µalth goals suggÐ µst that good hÐ µalth should rÐ µflÐ µct a statÐ µ of wÐ µll-bÐ µing, quality of lifÐ µ and frÐ µÃ µdom from disÐ µasÐ µ. GivÐ µn thÐ µ importancÐ µ of wÐ µll-bÐ µing as a national hÐ µalth goal it is nÐ µcÐ µssary to dÐ µtÐ µrminÐ µ thÐ µ Ð µxtÐ µnt to which pÐ µoplÐ µ Ð µxcÐ µÃ µding physiological hÐ µalth standards of obÐ µsity may bÐ µ at risk of low sÐ µlf-pÐ µrcÐ µptions. AnothÐ µr kÐ µy issuÐ µ that thÐ µ casÐ µ brings up is that of Ð µffÐ µctivÐ µ targÐ µt markÐ µting. DÐ µfinÐ µ thÐ µ ProblÐ µm & thÐ µ Opportunity ThÐ µ kÐ µy problÐ µm in thÐ µ casÐ µ is how InnocÐ µnt can rÐ µach its targÐ µt markÐ µt, Ð µspÐ µcially childrÐ µn. â€Å"But, dÐ µprÐ µssingly, morÐ µ than 90 pÐ µr cÐ µnt of kids i n thÐ µ UK do not gÐ µt thÐ µir rÐ µcommÐ µndÐ µd daily intakÐ µ of fruit. ThÐ µ Ð µxpansion of thÐ µ smoothiÐ µs’ distribution into supÐ µrmarkÐ µts such as TÐ µsco’s supports thÐ µ suggÐ µstion that InnocÐ µnt doÐ µsn’t mind whÐ µrÐ µ thÐ µ product is sold† (CasÐ µ, 2011). McDonalds has always bÐ µÃ µn Ð µffÐ µctivÐ µ at markÐ µting to childrÐ µn, so InnocÐ µnt can ridÐ µ thÐ µ largÐ µr company’s coat-tails in somÐ µ ways. But InnocÐ µnt also nÐ µÃ µds to targÐ µt parÐ µnts. In tÐ µrms of busy mothÐ µrs, this targÐ µt markÐ µt may want diffÐ µrÐ µnt things from thÐ µ product than childrÐ µn for any numbÐ µr of rÐ µasons. First of all, oldÐ µr consumÐ µrs arÐ µ buying thÐ µ product dirÐ µctly for thÐ µmsÐ µlvÐ µs, whilÐ µ busy mothÐ µrs arÐ µ buying thÐ µ product for thÐ µir offspring. This should lÐ µssÐ µn thÐ µ product sidÐ µ of thÐ µ markÐ µting mix in tÐ µrms of thÐ µ custom Ð µrs’ individuality, and slant it morÐ µ

Monday, October 28, 2019

Islamic Commodity Market Essay Example for Free

Islamic Commodity Market Essay 1.0. Introduction The operations in the general business environment are very dynamic by nature. There is no doubt that the financial markets as well as the commodity markets need to structure their business operations, so as to meet the changing business environment demands as well as the expectations (United States. Congress. Senate. 2004). The main challenge for the main market players is to consistently be at pace with the business environment developments, so as to have in place effective as well as timely establishments of operation standards and regulations. A number of international initiatives have focused on the state of operations of the commodity market in the Islamic market. This has been done so as to establish standards as well as benchmarks, which are set to strengthen the world commodity market. The research study intends to contribute to the need for establishing a regulator commodity market, especially in the Saudi Arabia financial market (The Economist 2006). The Islamic commodity market is one of the major aspects in the world commodity market, which has achieved tremendous growth in the recent past. This is to the extent of being a substantial component within the global commodity market, and has thus gained a lot of interest as the crucial component of the world financial market (Europa Publications Staff, 2002). The increasing demands as well as awareness for establishing investment portfolios to be in line with the shariah principles at the global market, have acted as stimulators towards establishing the Islamic commodity market as the world’s most attractive industry. This is an indicator of the growth of the wealth base as well as the potential of the investors, who could either be Muslim or non Muslim, to find ways and invest in commodities which meet their needs and expectations (El-Gamal, 2006). Research questions The research questions to be answered in this research study provide a basis, for establishing the importance of establishing a form of regulator commodity market in the financial market of Saudi Arabia. The aspect which is being focused on in this research study is the reasons as to why a regulator form of commodity market should be established, especially in Saudi Arabia. The research questions will therefore act as a guide to activities of the research study (Henry and Wilson, 2004). Core research question The main aim of the research study is to assess the need for establishing a regulator form of commodity market in the land of Saudi Arabia, and the effects on the business transactions which take place in the Islamic market (Henry and Wilson, 2004). The other research questions that need to be covered in this research study include: 1. What are some of the factors which influence the conduction of business transactions in the Islamic market? 2. What are the likely effects of establishing a regulator form of commodity market in the .land of Saudi Arabia? 3. Who are the major players in the Islamic market and what role do they play in the business transactions? 4. To what extent are the major players likely to influence the operations of the Islamic commodity market? 5. What potential effects does regulation of the Islamic commodity market have on the Islamic finance and the general business transactions? Research objectives The main intention of this research study is to establish, the importance of establishing a regulator in the Islamic commodity market especially in the suggested location Saudi Arabia. The importance of the regulator is assessed in terms of the effects to the Islamic financial market, as well as the general business transactions. The research study is intended at providing a sound bases upon which conclusive research findings can be made, as to the need for regulating the commodities market. Both the secondary and primary data will be analysed to assess the current state of operations of the Islamic commodities market, and the need for a regulator. Therefore, data will highlight the importance of establishing the current state of operations in the Islamic commodity market, and finally, for the research study to meet its intended research objectives (Taylor Francis Group and Dean, 2004). 2.0 Literature review Islamic commodity market The establishment of a distinct Islamic commodity market, whereby a number of investments as well as financing activities are established in accordance to the requirements of the Shariah principles, can be described as the outcome of the continued growth of the Islamic financial sector. There have been demands to address the issues of liquidity of the Islamic banks like Altauaruq and Almurabha among others, as well as the takaful operators in the various Islamic countries. There have also been efforts to establish a regulatory framework for the Islamic commodity market, and make clear the Shariah principles on the commodities which should are allowed to be involved in the business transactions at the commodity market (Davis and Azizian, 2006). In general, the Shariah principles that govern the conduction of business transactions at the commodities market states that the non legal transactions are those activities, which involves the use of interest and the commodities that have a certain level of uncertainties attached to them. Gambling is also prohibited as well as food and drinks among many other immoral activities (International Monetary Fund, 2006). Regulatory framework In the commodities market, an effective legal and supervisory as well as a regulatory framework establishes the essential ground for the operations of a modern commodity market. For the dynamic market like the Islamic commodity market, it is crucial that a conducive form of regulatory framework be established. This is to appropriately control the activities of the Islamic commodity market. A number of participants are allowed to address, any of the influences which affect the effective business operations of the market, as well as the innovations or even hinder the participation in the Islamic commodities market (Henry and Wilson, 2004). Considering the levels and number of business activities being carried out at this market, an analysis is being made to determine the need for having a regulator in place within this conventional market. The first hypothesis which can be established in this research study is whether, the establishment of the Islamic commodity market will make any positive influence on the levels of Islamic finance, as the other regulatory frameworks have managed to influence the other Islamic finance markets (Fadzli, 2003). To that extent, the second hypothesis is to assess the extent to which, the regulator of the Islamic commodity market will not make any improvements. Considering that the operations at the Islamic commodities market involve both legal and non legal business transactions, the third hypothesis is made in relation to whether the establishment of the regulator will cut down the levels of occurrence of the illegal business transactions. The fourth hypothesis in that respect is that, th e establishment of the regulator will not cut down the level of the illegal business transactions at the Islamic commodity market. By justifying the above mentioned hypotheses, the research study will have established the importance of having a regulator in the Islamic commodity market, and in this case the proposed regulator is Saudi Arabia (Al-Rifai, 2003). 3.0 Research design and methodology To establish the need for having a regulator Islamic commodity market, especially in the land of Saudi Arabia, the research sample for this research study will be administered with questionnaires. The targeted respondents are the to the top management officers of the major commodity markets and financial institutions in the Islamic commodity market. The sample population shall be 50 companies in the Islamic commodity market. The sample population has been chosen so as to avoid the feasibility problems, associated with the research studies. Qualitative as well as quantitative data will be collected. Quantitative data shall be collected from the primary sources, which shall be analysed by the use of statistical techniques, compiled and presented using tools like graphs and charts among other techniques. Qualitative data shall be collected by the use of open ended questions in the questionnaires, which will be subjective in nature as they will represent the personal opinions of the targ eted respondents. The qualitative data will support the quantitative data, in areas where the quantitative data will be having deviations from the factors under consideration (Al-Rifai, 2003). The survey questionnaires shall be administered, considering the fact that they are easy and simple to use on the part of the researcher and the respondents. The research objectives and questions shall all be encompassed in the information in the research questionnaires. The qualitative approach will involve the answering of questions which relate to the nature of operations of the commodity market markets, with the intention of establishing the need for having a regulator in the commodity market. Thus the survey study has the potential of highlighting the operations of the commodity market, and the mechanisms involved which demands for regulatory measures to be carried out (Henry and Wilson, 2004). Resources In order to meet the identified research questions and objectives, the researcher will use the relevant literature resources. These sources will include books, Journals and the other relevant publications in the areas of Islamic commodity market and regulations. The knowledge as well as the research information which will be encompassed and assessed for validity of the research findings, will include resources from online libraries like EBSCO, Amazon, Blackwell publications, the emerald journals and the other sources like Questia (Henry and Wilson, 2004). Access to the study population One of the challenges that the researcher anticipates to encounter in carrying out the research study is the accessing the targeted respondents. So as to meet this challenge, the below strategies have been devised, so as to have access to the respondents to obtain the crucial information for the research study. The researcher will obtain permission letters, which will be approved by the research department at the university. This letters will then be supplied to the top management officers seeking for permission to include them in the research study, and to use their companies as a sample of the research population. In addition to that, the researcher will assure the respondents that the information obtained from the research study shall be used for academic purposes only, and not for any other purposes unless permission is sought from them (Al-Rifai, 2003).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Five Senese Aging Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Aging is a process of one getting older...† (Medina 4). As one gets older changes will occur. â€Å"It might start with a line a cross the forehead that deepens in to a wrinkle or skin that suddenly appears dull looking† (Tomas E1). No mater what the situation aging has many different processes. This literary composition will show the different changes that the senses go through when aging takes place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Seeing is one of the senses humans have. Although humans really see with their brains the eyes are the key tools that help the task of seeing. Unlike other parts of the body nearly every part of the visual system is affected by aging. It causes us to lose certain functions as we age like loss of color to how the way we see near and distant objects. â€Å"The cornea, that fluid-filled bad which guards the entrance to the eye, ages as we get the time we get to the age of 60, the bag brings to flatten, which alters our visual field† (Medina 189). Perhaps the most interesting aspect of our vision system’s aging has to do with color perception. As we get older the lens not only thickens but also takes on a yellowish color. This reduces our ability to discriminate between colors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hearing is also one of our senses and as we get older the ability of hearing gets weak. Once we age the pinna, the outer ear, losses some flexibility. As a result it begins to droop, becomes longer and wider and m...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an epistolary novel which tells a story about self-discovery. As given in Britannica, â€Å"Epistolary novel, a novel told through the medium of letters written by one or more of the characters.† Epistolary novel is a type of novel written in a form of letters through one of the characters. According to a post on eNotes: A genre of fiction which first gained popularity in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the epistolary novel is a form in which most or all of the plot is advanced by the letters or journal entries of one or more of its characters, and which marked the beginning of the novel as a literary form. Epistolary novel first got famous in seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It is a genre of fiction in which novel is written in a form of letters or journal by one of the characters. Charlie, the protagonist of The Perks of being a Wallflower writes a series of letters to narrate his story. It is stated on essaytown: Even if presenting the reader with fictional letters, the epistolary novels of seventeenth and eighteenth century already suggested that letter writing had a therapy like effect on their fictional authors. The letter writing would act like a catharsis†¦ Charlie is called a wallflower by his friends. Merriam-Webster defines wallflower as, â€Å"a person who from shyness or unpopularity remains on the sidelines of a social activity.† People are considered to be ‘wallflower' when they are shy, reserved and unpopular. When they stay quiet and avoid talking to anyone. These people are usually introvert and have no friends. They isolate themselves for different reasons such as fears or lack of confidence. They do not participate in social activities and try to remain hidden as if they are invisible. Charlie is an introvert, a shy teenager who does not have friends and does not participate in life.The idea of self-discovery according to Encyclopedia entails â€Å"the process of acquiring insight into one's own character.† People themselves are sometimes not aware of their true nature and their desires. Self-discovery happens when they truly find themselves, who they really are and what they want. Pam M.S. Nugent describes self-discovery as a procedure through which a person finds out their true character and qualities. Charlie, as the novel proceeds, discovers hidden truths about himself, his likes, dislikes, his wants, and what kind of a person he truly is by going through a process of self-discovery.A process of looking for your own identity. To discover what a one individual has in his personality and what things are there to which a person is likely to be more inclined is called self-discovery. As per PsychologyDictionary self-discovery is a method through which a person becomes aware of his true desires and wants. Just as Charlie discovers the truth about his different behavior, his true likes and dislikes.1.1 Background of StudyI would read this novel in the light of the idea of defense mechanisms as presented by Sigmund Freud in the classical psychoanalysis. A post on Chegg Study states: According to Sigmund Freud, who developed the concept in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, defense mechanisms are a major component of personality. Freud believed that personality consists of the ego, the id, and the superego. The id is the source of instincts and natural desires; when these clash with social norms, tension arises as the superego disapproves and the ego mediates between them. Defense mechanisms respond by shifting such desires, feelings, and associated thoughts to the unconscious. The post states that Sigmund Freud considers the defense mechanisms as important part of personality. According to Freud, personality is made of id, ego and superego. Defense mechanisms according Freud respond by changing desires, feelings and thoughts into unconscious. Other than authors, psychoanalytic theory applies on characters. The theory can be used to understand the protagonist of the novel, Charlie, and his behavior better in the light of Freud's classical psychoanalysis. After Charlie's unconscious mind reveals some past memories to him, they cause some psychological disturbances. The research will focus on Charlie's characteristics, his traumas, what defense mechanisms he use against them and his journey towards self-discovery. Regarding unconscious, Freud states:Everything that is repressed must remain unconscious; but let us state at the very outset that the repressed does not cover everything that is unconscious. The unconscious has the wider compass: the repressed is a part of the unconscious. Freud argues that everything a person represses must stay in unconscious mind, but unconscious mind is not only filled with repressed memories, it has other things in it too. Charlie has repressed his memories in his unconscious mind which are later revealed. Calvin S. Hall defines defense mechanism as a way of dealing with different threats and dangers. It is a way to lessen the anxiety by using different defenses such as denial, projection, repression, regression and displacement which are discussed in detail in chapter

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Accounting Project Essay

Foundations of Accounting I Accounting Project Written by: Karen Pitsch Special thanks to Donna Larner Randiddle Co. is a merchandising business. Their account balances as of November 30, 2012 (unless otherwise indicated), are as follows: 110Cash$ 74,370 112Accounts Receivable 6,178 113Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 650 115Merchandise Inventory 2,346 116Prepaid Insurance 5,750 117Store Supplies 2,850 123Store Equipment 100,800 124Accumulated Depreciation-Store Equipment 31,060 210Accounts Payable 3,286 211Salaries Payable 0 218Interest Payable 0 220Note Payable (Due 2017) 30,000 ($6,000 to be paid in 2013) 310Randiddle, Capital (January 1, 2012) 46,288 311Randiddle, Withdrawals 60,000 312Income Summary 0 410Sales 296,130 411Sales Returns and Allowances 10,020 412Sales Discounts 7,200 510Cost of Goods Sold 30,250 520Sales Salaries Expense 34,400 521Advertising Expense 18,000 522Depreciation Expense 0 523Store Supplies Expense 0 529Miscellaneous Selling Expense 2,800 530Office Salaries Expense 25,500 531Rent Expense 24,200 532Insurance Expense 0 533Bad Debt Expense 0 539Miscellaneous Administrative Expense 1,650 550 Interest Expense 1,100 See more: Analysis of Starbucks coffee company employees essay Randiddle Co. uses the perpetual inventory system and the First-in, First-out costing method. Transportation-in and purchase discounts should be added to the Inventory Control Sheet, but since this will complicate the computation of the First-in, First-out costing method, please ignore this step in the process. They also use the Allowance Method for bad debt. The Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Subsidiary Ledgers along with the Inventory Control Sheet should be updated as each transaction affects them (daily). Randiddle Co. sells three types of microwave ovens. The sale prices of each are: 900 watt microwave: $199 1000 watt microwave: $299 1200 watt microwave: $499 During December, the last month of the accounting year, the following transactions were completed: Dec. 1. Issued check number 2632 for the December rent, $2,200. 2. Sold two 1200 watt microwaves for cash. 4. Purchased four 1000 watt microwaves on account from Matt Co., terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point, $596. 5. Issued check number 2633 to pay the transportation charges on purchase of December 4, $89. (NOTE: Debit Merchandise Inventory. Do not include shipping and purchase discounts to the Inventory Control sheet for this project.) 6. Sold six 1000 watt microwaves and four 1200 watt microwaves on account to Briana Co., invoice 891, terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. 8. Issued check number 2634 for refund of cash on sales made for cash, $150. (Customer was going to return goods until an allowance was arranged.) 10. Purchased store supplies on account from Prince Co., terms n/30, $310. 10. Issued check to Matt Co. number 2635 for the full amount due, less discount allowed. (Round discount to nearest dollar.) 11. Paid Prince Co. full amount due, check number 2636. 12. Issued credit memo for one 1000 watt microwave returned on sale of December 6. (NOTE: Assume the returned microwave was from the 11/30 inventory) 13. Issued check number 2637 for advertising expense for last half of December, $3,000. 14. Received cash from Briana Co. for the full amount due (less return of December 12 and discount; round to nearest dollar). 19. Issued check number 2638 to buy five 900 watt microwaves, $495. 19. Issued check number 2639 for $596 to Joseph Co. on account. 20. Sold seven 900 watt microwaves on account to Cameron Co., invoice number 892, terms 1/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. 20. To expedite sale on Dec. 20, issued check number 2640 for shipping charges on sale to Cameron on December 20, $120 (NOTE: Cameron Co. will be reimbursing us for this shipping cost). 21. Received $1,396 cash from McKenzie Co. on account, no discount. 21. Purchased three 1200 watt microwaves on account from Elisha Co., terms 1/10, n/30, FOB shipping point, $747, shipping $78 (NOTE: Debit Merchandise Inventory $825, but only put $747 in the Inventory Control Sheet). 24. Received notification that Marie Co. has been granted bankruptcy with no amount of recovery. We are to write-off her amount due. (Note: See page 365 for entry required.) 26. Issued a debit memo for return of $249 because of damage to one 1200 watt microwave purchased on December 21, receiving credit from the seller. 27. Issued check number 2641 for sales salaries of $2,050 and office  salaries of $1,400. 28. Purchased store equipment on account from Joseph Co., terms n/30, FOB destination, $1,200. 29. Issued check number 2642 for store supplies, $70. 29. Purchased seven 1000 watt microwave from Prince Co, terms 1/10, n/30, FOB shipping point, for $1,113 on account, shipping $107. 30. Sold eight 1000 watt microwaves on account to Briana Co., invoice number 893, terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. 30. Received cash from sale of December 20, less discount, plus transportation paid on December 20. (Round calculations to the nearest dollar.) 31. Issued check number 2643 for purchase of December 21, less return of December 25 and discount. (Round discount to the nearest dollar.) 31. Issued a debit memo for $200 of the purchase returned from December 28. Instructions: 1. Enter the balances of each of the accounts in the appropriate balance column of the General Ledger (B-S and I-S Ledger). Write Balance in the item section, and place a (x) in the Post Reference column. 2. Journalize the transactions in a sales journal, purchases journal, cash receipts journal, cash payments journal, or general journal as illustrated in chapter 7. Also post to the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Subsidiary ledgers and Inventory Control Sheet as needed. 3. Total each column on the special journals and prove the journals. 4. Post the totals of the account named columns and individually post the â€Å"Other Accounts† columns as well to the General Ledger. 5. Prepare the Schedule of Accounts Receivable and the Schedule of Accounts Payable (their total amount must equal the amount in their controlling general ledger account). 6. Prepare the unadjusted trial balance on the worksheet. 7. Complete the worksheet for the year ended December 31, 2012, using the following adjustment data: a. Merchandise inventory on December 31 $1,090 b. Insurance expired during the year 2,250 c. Store supplies on hand on December 31 850 d. Depreciation for the current year needs to be calculated. The business uses the Straight-line method, the store equipment has a useful life of 10 years with no salvage value. (NOTE: the purchase and return will not be included as the dates of the transactions were after the 15th of the month). e. Accrued salaries on December 31: Sales salaries$1,075 Office salaries 540 $1,615 f. The note payable terms are at 8%, payment is not being made until Jan. 3, 2013. Interest must be recognized for one month. g. Calculate the Bad Debt adjustment amount; net realizable value of Accounts Receivable is determined to be $6,313. 8. Prepare a multiple-step income statement, a statement of owner’s equity, and a classified balance sheet in good form. (Recommend review of â€Å"Current Liabilities† on page 149.) 9. Journalize and post the adjusting entries. 10. Journalize and post the closing entries. Indicate closed accounts by inserting a zero in both balance columns opposite the closing entry. 11. Prepare a post-closing trial balance.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Comparison and contrast of exploratory, descriptive and causal research designs giving examples

Comparison and contrast of exploratory, descriptive and causal research designs giving examples Research design is a tool that is used in carrying out marketing researches. The design is supposed to give in detail the procedures that are supposed to be followed to solve problems that marketing researches present. The major approaches used in researches include exploratory, causal, and exploratory research designs.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison and contrast of exploratory, descriptive and causal research designs giving examples specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Information requirements, measures, and scales have to be spelt out clearly. Sampling process, sample size, and data analysis plans also feature prominently as components of the three research designs (Collins, Sutton and Onwuegbuzie 2006) Descriptive research design Descriptive research design is mainly used to describe a behavior or type of subject. It not intended to look for specific relationships between variables neither does it correlat e variables. Its major set back is that it cannot identify cause because its setting is completely natural. Moreover, it has all the variables present. Descriptive research design is an asset to a researcher because a lot of information can be acquired through description. For purposes of identification of variables and hypothetical constructs which can be subjected to further investigations using other means, descriptive research design come in handy. Some of its advantages include the ability of its descriptions to be used to indirectly test theory or model behaviors that cannot be studied using any other means (Creswell 1998). Categories of descriptive design include surveys and observational studies. Field surveys feature prominently under surveys. Under this, the participants are expected to fill in the questionnaires or be subjected to interviews in natural settings. Much attention should be devoted to construction and content validity of the questionnaires; the scores must be reliable; the questions should be clear and precise hence mutually exclusive answers; the interviewer must be consistent and controlled in his or her behavior; and the order of questions as they appear in the questionnaire have to be counterbalanced. This helps in identifying and controlling one sided responses. Finally, field surveyors have to pay attention to concrete behaviors that naà ¯ve respondents describe accurately. Surveys are quite often mailed or facilitated through phone calls. Surveys conducted through mails involve questionnaires that are relatively long. It takes some time before these mails are returned. However, not all of them can be returned but 50% return rate is normally okay for the survey.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Inclusion of cover letter, giving survey a face validity, asking brief questions, guaranteeing rewards, and sending a re minder will only ensure that the return rate of the mails is enhanced. Telephones are credited for having higher response rate. The telephone interviewers normally use structured and closely ended questions (Fraenkel and Wallen 2003). The introduction of telephone interviews have to be straight to the point and friendly. It is usually assumed that participants who fail to participate in phone interviews may be busy or guarded. When it comes to identifying the population and samples to participate in surveys, all subgroups have too be identified without any element of bias. Random or stratified random sampling techniques are preferred. However, other sapling techniques like cluster sampling, convenience sampling, quota sampling, snowball sampling can be used. Potential biases that are encountered in field survey include: by the time the interviewer is calling the respondent may not be in a mood to talk, there may be biasness on the side of those who have accepted to take part in the view (such volunteers may be opinionated or bored), there may be a silent majority, and the way one feels today may not be the same as the way he will feel tomorrow. Survey results are normally analyzed using descriptive statistics. This helps in checking significant correlations in responses gotten from different questions. In observational studies, descriptions normally rely on observations made on the subjects. General techniques used here are naturalistic observation, systematic naturalistic observation, and participant observation. Naturalistic observation is unstructured and unsystematic. It entails observation of a wide range of behaviors. Systematic naturalistic observation is systematic and looks into specific behaviors. Participant observation requires that the investigator infiltrate the group he or she is observing. The observer acts like a spy agent whose true identity and purpose cannot be known (Creswell 2005). The major advantage of observation studies is that it is absolutely natural. It does not therefore demand characteristics. Its disadvantages are unavailability of informed consent, it relies on convenience samples, the data used is mostly qualitative as there is much of verbal descriptions and observations made visually.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison and contrast of exploratory, descriptive and causal research designs giving examples specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Observation studies are supposed to help in identifying variables which are valuable in indirect tests of models and predictions. In order to decrease bias in observation studies, well defined scoring criteria has to be developed, time sampling technique must be used, there have to be multiple observers, double blind procedures have to be used, and for purpose of increasing external validity, it is imperative that random samples are obtained. Exploratory research design Exploratory research design is normally used in research whose purpose involves inquiry into new products that should be developed, how the product appeal will enhance its advertising, and how the existing services can be improved. Research questions in exploratory research design border on the alternative ways that exist that can be used for example to provide lunch for school children, the kind of benefits people stand to get from the product, and the nature of dissatisfaction the customer may be getting from the product in the case of marketing research. The hypothesis here has unknown constructs. The hypothesis also suspects that the major problem in the study could be impersonalization. Causal research design The purpose of this research design in marketing research perspective is to ascertain whether an increase in the service staff ca be profitable, which advertising program for public transit is suitable, and whether new budget should be contemplated. The research questions here touch on the correlati on between size of staff offering services and the revenue that is accrued. What do people stand to get from cars and the public transport. Comparison of the three research designs The major objective of exploratory research design is to discover ideas and insights where as in descriptive research design involves describing market aspects and functions. Nevertheless, causal research design tries to determine the cause-effect relationships in the research one is conducting. A major feature of exploratory design is its flexibility, its adaptability, and the front end of total research design. However, descriptive research design is marked by past formulation of specific hypotheses from observations and studies. This design is pre-planned and structured. Causal research approach can proceed through one or more independent variables. Other mediating variables that fall under this design can also be controlled. An exploratory research approach entails the use of surveys, case studies, in formation from other studies, and qualitative analyses. In contrast, a descriptive research approach uses information from other studies, panels, analyses, and observation. Causal research design strictly uses experiments.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References List Collins, K. M. T., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Sutton, I. L., 2006, A model incorporating the rationale and purpose for conducting mixed methods research in special education and beyond, Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, vol.4, pp.  67-100. Creswell, J. W., 1998,Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among the five  traditions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Creswell, J. W., 2005, Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating  quantitative and qualitative research (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., 2003, How to design and evaluate research in  education (5th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Monday, October 21, 2019

English Language and the Igbo Worldview Essays

English Language and the Igbo Worldview Essays English Language and the Igbo Worldview Paper English Language and the Igbo Worldview Paper Essay Topic: Brave New World English language and the Gobo worldview. Chapter four entitled The Language Repertoire of Newlywed Movies by Emmanuel Daddy Deaden posits that the Gobo language, among the three major languages In Nigeria, has been less preserved especially In the production of Newlywed movies. It argues that Gobo films In English language are an expression of a commercial mentally, etc. However, using Austin Zoom Anagrams Mamba Heritage and China Achebes Bilingual Aesthetics (chapter 9) and Nora Benedict Newness From Repression to Displacement: A Psychoanalytic Re-Examination of the Hero in Things Fall Apart (chapter 11). I shall attempt to re-examine the Gobo worldview in relation to the use of English as captured in literary works of Achebe. A Review of Chapter Four: The Language Repertoire of Newlywed Movies by Emmanuel Daddy Deaden This powerful piece dovetails the movie industry of Nigeria, fondly known as Newlywed beginning from Its evolutionary trend; Its earliest Influences (local and International); Its mode of production and then the languages that are deployed In the scripting of the movies. In this essay Deaden argues that Newlyweds development began from the Traveling Theatre of the sass. The theatre, which operated chiefly by traveling from one location to the other presenting drama and dance, were mainly of Your stock and that the materials of this group and the importation of empty video cassettes provided the needed platform for Gobo businessmen to produce and market films. In other words, while the Your provided the content, the Gobo produced and distributed them as films. However, this chain of shared activities in its earliest form, according to Deaden, did not terminate at the content and production/distribution specializations of the two peoples of Nigeria, but that the Gobo, who had realized enough profits from the sales of Your contents, went a step further to produce their own films. Hence, Kenneth Nevuss Living In Bondage of 1 992 became not only a testament of the first Gobo film In Nigeria, but also steered the wheel for more Gobo film productions In Nigeria. Deaden reiterates that the production of Living In Bondage was a catalytic factor that reckoning as the second largest producer of films globally statuettes by the United Nations 6th May 2009 press release. Deaden argues that Hollywood, which presently horns fewer movies than its Nigerian counterpart had influenced the culture and technical dynamism of Newlywed movies. Another influence that was elaborated in this essay is the language influence. Deaden is of the opinion that English language dominates the movie production in Nigeria and that the trend should be reversed. Using the statistical findings of the Nigerian Film and Video Censors Board on languages used in movie production within 2007/2008 as data for analysis, he arrives at the conclusion that among the three major languages in Nigerian, Gobo suffers greatly from this western linguistic influence. According to this finding, Gobo was not used in movie production between 2007 and 2008. While films are produced in Hausa and Your languages, the language chosen by [Gobo] movie producers to express their worldview and showcase their culture was (sic) English (58). T is his belief that economic and social reasons should not override the crucial task of promoting indigenous languages. Deaden advises: Speakers of these languages should summon courage to propagate their culture and preserve their languages by producing films in their respective languages(61). Deaden also proffers the use of beetles as the means to bridge the gap between indigenous languages usage and the audience who are non-speaker s. The objective of this essay is very provocative. Its findings are capable of inflaming an Gobo film maker into creating more Gobo films. This is the stuff of scholarship. I personally appreciate this work for its focus. We have also started seeing memories produced in Gobo language since 2010, courtesy, perhaps to seminal projects like this. For instance, Alum Swam Koki, Scumbag the warrior, Aka Niche, NNW Basilisk, Karri, Coke Choice, Owe As gig, None Oz are a ewe examples of recent movies which are predominantly Gobo. There is, in fact, sufficient zealotry in the arena of Gobo film production that right now there is an intensifying talk about Softwood. While the idea of Softwood stands to reason, it is important to state that the import of works like Addends would not have had far- reaching impact in a multilingual speech community like Nigeria without a common language. English language plays that role. Outstation, however infinitesimal, should first be observed before the outright damnation of English language or its users. Like Deaden stated: Every writer or filmmaker wants to break the barrier of being restricted to his linguistic group and wants to reach a larger audience in order to promote his message . Until another language replaces it in importance, English language has a much weightier stake in the corporate existence of the Nigerian state as much as the indigenous languages, if not more. Its elevation as a national language presupposes an even broader functionality. Therefore a writer or film maker, whose is sensitive to the national ideals will be quick to embrace and promote an identified national culture and language . Here is where a patriotic stance is applied. In spite of the statistical findings, Deaden agrees that Gobo film makers do not only produce films in English, but also inject Gobo essence and worldview in them. Miss, films from Gobo socio-cultural milieu are produced in English but the films are replete with Gobo expressions. The opposite is applicable to Your movies (59), Deaden stated. It is for this method of language use that words like ago, gigs, 1010, whose works have been impact to the development of Nigerian English is Achebe. A Review of Chapter Nine: Mamba Heritage and China Achebes Bilingually Aesthetics by Austin Zoom Niagara. It is important to begin the examination of this beautiful piece by stating that the driving force behind the Gobo use of English in creative activities like film production and literary works shouldnt only be traced to pecuniary motivations, but also to a unifying linguistic impulse of their worldview. This claim is deduced from the connections established by Niagara between Mamba heritage and China Achebes bilingual aesthetics. Niagara believes that Mamba was influential to the kind of artistic originality and linguistic cohesion identified with China Achebe. Some of the elements of Achebes literary aesthetics can be said to have evolved from the artistic orchestration of the fundamental elements of Mamba as a metaphor through the creative Juxtaposition of the oratorical strategies of his Gobo cultural heritage and the tenets of the western education (125), he stated. Mamba is a religious, cultural and artistic celebration of the Rewire area of Gobo people of Eastern Nigeria. It was instrumental in evoking the grandeur of inclusiveness and artistic simplicity among its participants. These linguistic entailments, according to Niagara,made it possible for Achebe to cross cultural frontiers without giving away his own cultural and linguistic essence. This piece outlines aspects of Mamba philosophy which are manifest in Achebes works such as Things Fall Apart, Arrow of God and Anthills of the Savannah. The rendering of proverbs, idioms and native Gobo discourses in English in the works of Achebe have been identified as being nothing short of innovative and ingenious. His introduction of non-English linguistic items such as Gobo words, phraseology and terms has been viewed as a way of extending his cultural and imaginative worldview. It is important to state that the success of the literary and linguistic approach of China Achebe helped evolve a Nigerian linguistic and literary development. This developmental process which became known as domestication was a means of making English language less foreign, more viable and answerable to cultural adoption of Nigerian users. Quoting Ashcroft, Griffith and Tiffin, 1995 and Achebe, 1975, Niagara establishes that the linguistic mission of Achebe was not a way of using a foreign language to spread his message or of making fame or fortune from it, rather Achebe set out to discover a new engage, a hybrid consisting of imperial and indigenous languages. His art displays a process by which the language is made to bear the weight and texture of a different experience. In doing so it becomes another language (130). Consequently, through Achebes achievement it is possible to see a light in the development of a new language out of the imperial construct. It is possible to have an English that will not be foreign to the average Nigerian reader. It is possible to use the linguistic engagements of Achebe to develop an English repertoire that is sustained by the indigenous pragmatic and semiotic systems. Niagara identifies three different attitudes attached to the imperial language by writers. Quoting Azalea 1995, they are the rejections, neo-metropolitan and the evolutionists/experimenters. The rejections chose to write in their native language, the neo-metropolitan adopted, without modification, the imperial language, while the experimenter accepted the language only to transform it to suit indigenous use. Achebes contribution in experimentalist. This was made possible due to an Gobo linguistic worldview that is lively, expressive and utilitarian. A Review of Chapter Eleven: From Repression to Displacement: A Psychoanalytic Re-Examination of the Hero in China Achebes Things Fall Apart by Nora Benedict Neck This paper examines the concept of heroism in the Gobo worldview in China Achebes Things Fall Apart. It establishes a distinction between who a hero is in the western context and how the Gobo define heroism. It has been established that China Achebe wrote from a closed cosmological attachment with his root. In this essay, Newness focus is on the character of Awoken. He maintains that Achebes protagonist in Things Fall Apart, Awoken, may have passed a western notion of heroism, but failed to impress the rotational Gobo society and thus also failed to become their hero. Neck Justifies the character traits of Awoken in the eyes of the western tradition to include his nobility, an attribute Awoken attains by hard work and the zoo title; his problem with his father; his violation of cultural code, his exiled, his falling out of favor, his loneliness and his return from exile. All of these experiences are manifest in the character of Awoken. Neck, however, posits why Awoken is not a hero of Muffin in Things Fall Apart. In this analysis, Neck argues that Achebes Muffle is a literary legislations a typical Gobo society which priorities social harmony over physical or financial accomplishments. According to him, heroism and leadership qualities can be screwed in the same hole in Muffin. This entails that a leader-hero should be responsible for the maintenance of the political and social values and structure of his community. However, Neck argues that Awoken does not seem to understand the dynamics of this social structure and therefore seems to work alone towards a direction he wrongly thinks his people are headed (153) One of the failings in Ginkgos character is linguistic. Awoken lacks the power to use language as colorful as many other respected characters in the novel. Neck says, He fails to realize the dual nature of the linguistic structure of a people that places premium on language (156). Awoken lives in a society which sees oratory as a needed quality of a leader. Among the Bib the art of conversation is regarded very highly, and proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten (154). His inability to communicate results in some of the rash actions he takes including the assaults on the opposite sex. Neck links oratory with intelligence and wisdom. In his conclusion, Neck avers that Awoken is a failed hero of Muffin. His failure which is directly linked to the subconscious repressions and displacement of childhood was manifest by his poor linguistic skill. To make this significant, Neck identifies characters like Kooky, Gouge, Beriberi whose oratorical skills inspire and command respect for them in Muffin. Inadvertently, Neck sought to reveal the Gobo social milieu and its linguistic manifestations. He showed that language is a serious matter in the Gobo land. He used Achebes protagonist to exemplify the end result of a character who believed bravery can be priced above oratory. Conclusion For over fifty years or so those who have denigrated English language do not only do so in English language, but have also shown Just how central the language is to a country like Nigeria. Does this suggest that we should, for this reason, abandon the local languages of our births? Of course, not! Nevertheless, if English was our definite answers to these questions. However, the aim of this review was to evaluate the various discussions of three chapters selected. And in doing so, we have been able to highlight some of the germane arguments that preoccupy the writers of these essays. We have seen how in his work Deaden brought the germane issue of language use in the Newlywed movies to the fore by arguing the use of Nigerian languages in the production of movies as a strategy to cushion the dominance of English language and promote indigenous language usage. We have also seen how Anagrams seminal essay revealed the background to Achebes artistic prowess and how Achebe was able to handle the issue of English language dominance and the desire to make the Gobo language relevant at the same time in his work. And in Newness chapter eleven we have learnt the linguistic importance of a hero in the Gobo oral view and its implications. It has been an interesting review and a voyage of discovery. And in ending this paper, I hope to be allowed to suggest that the cravings to inject our indigenous languages back to the system would not be met by deposing English language, but by working out a system of equal existence, what the Gobo adage calls the principle befogged beer go e beer.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Celebrity ACT Scores (Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, Marilyn Monroe)

Celebrity ACT Scores (Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, Marilyn Monroe) SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you taking the ACT? You're in good company! Barack Obama, Marilyn Monroe, and Steve Jobs all took the ACT, too, along with several other celebrities. We've compiled their scores so you can see how these successful people performed back when they were in high school. We've also converted the SAT scores of famous people to the ACT scale so you get a sense of how their scores compare. Now if you ever run into Barack Obama, you'll have at least one conversation starter to fall back on...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Movie - essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Movie - - Essay Example It also provides difficult lessons that Robert McNamara learned about modern war when he was the United States’ Secretary of Defense. In addition, it involves a study of moral complexities in conflicts. The documentary can explain common contemporary issues happening in the modern world, especially the Israeli-Palestine war. For example, it focuses on one of the most significant and controversial figures in the government of the United States in the 20th Century (Grothaus 1). The documentary focuses on the war involving Cuba, United States and United Soviet Socialists Union (Grothaus 1). Cuba almost engaged in war with the United Soviets Socialists Union. In addition, the documentary provides methodologies that can be adopted in times when one has to make a quick decision (Grothaus 1). Moreover, Robert McNamara claims that some war situations might be hard and dilemmatic. However, learning is not possible when dealing with nuclear weapons because any mistake made in the process would be highly consequential.As directed by Errol Morris, the film focuses on eleven lessons that can be learned from Robert McNamara’s life. Some of the lessons learned are decisions concerning critical situations in events of war. The first lesson is to empathize with your enemy. Consequently, it is necessary for the Israelis to sympathize with Palestinians and vice versa. Empathy will allow leaders from both divide to acknowledge that civilians are the most affected (Merip 1). The lesson analyses the need to view the world according to enemies’ perspective. The situation help understand their opinions concerning certain conflict situations. The approach also helps in comprehending their thinking and decision making process. For instance, McNamara illustrates one of the major events that took place when he was the Secretary of defense. The Cuban Missile Crisis illustrates the increased likelihood of Cuba exchanging nuclear weapons

Social Capital Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Capital - Research Paper Example A review of the additional literature, in addition to the source article, will provide collaborative details to provide support for the conclusion established. The case study by Chenhall, Hall, & Smith examined how elements of a management control system can either enhance or inhibit the bonding and bridging dimensions of social capital with potential consequences on both economic and cultural capital (2010, p.2). The study attempts to highlight and provide data to support the notion that management control systems can be contradictory as they relate to social capital. The concept of social capital is used to outline a distinctive approach to understanding the relationship between management control systems and the development of social connections in and between organizations (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). The study additionally illustrates how formal belief systems and operational controls sustain strong interior relationships and also help to establish the case organization†™s standing with peripheral organizations vital to external bridging (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). However, there are also several limitations to the relevancies demonstrated by the study. The study was based on a limited number of interviews rather than in-depth observational data (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). Additionally, the study indicates that efforts to use â€Å"financial controls interactively† to deal with issues of cost awareness were not successful due to the fact that they were interpreted as â€Å"incompatible† with natural advancements and threatened to bond (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010, p.2). Literature Review Social capital can be measured in a variety of ways, although obtaining a "true", definitive measurement is not possible (What is, 2011). The most popular definitions of social capital are multidimensional and incorporate numerous aspects of analysis into a comprehensive framework (What is, 2011). Attempts to measure the properties of â €Å"inherently ambiguous concepts† such as "community", "network" and "organization" has caused problems in establishing the concept of social capital (What is, 2011). Although a few long-standing surveys have been designed to gauge "social capital", they have left researchers to assemble indexes from a range of items, like â€Å"measures of trust in government, voting trends, memberships in civic organizations, and hours spent volunteering† (What is, 2011). Researchers are attempting to compile new surveys that will give the concept of social capital a more definitive meaning. There are several examples of social capital, like civic organizations, community organizations, and scholastic communities that can significantly contribute to the overall organizational platform.

Friday, October 18, 2019

INTRODUCTION TO CIVILIZATION-unit 4, question #3 Essay

INTRODUCTION TO CIVILIZATION-unit 4, question #3 - Essay Example The biggest similarity between the tool-kits of the farmer and hunter-gatherer groups were the materials that they tools were made from. According to Howard Spodek, author of the book entitled The Worlds History, tools were generally made of materials such as stone, wood, and bone(Spodek, 2006). Additionally, both hunter-gatherer and farming civilizations had tools for cutting and scraping specifically as these tools were necessary for every day life, according to Spodek(Spodek, 2006). Lastly, hunter-gatherer and farming communities utilized similar tools for their pottery, which was a big part of their lives in terms of its cultural implications, and its daily usability as storage for food, water, and other supplies(Spodek, 2006). For the most part, however, the tool-kits between these two groups differed greatly. The hunter-gatherer society had tools that were geared toward hunting, fishing, and collecting. Spears, knives, harpoons, and baskets were the primary tools utilized by this type of society(Spodek, 2006). Farming civilizations, on the other hand, had tool-kits which were much more complex because they had much more variety in terms of their daily tasks. Instead of just creating shelter and finding food, farming communities were â€Å"domesticating animals†¦cultivating crops† and also developing culture in the form of â€Å"pottery and weaving and jewelry†(Spodek, 2006). According to Spodek, farming villages had tools such as â€Å"blades, knives, sickles, arrows, daggers†¦mortars and pestles†¦and rudimentary plows and hoes(Spodek, 2006). This toolkit would be considered much more advanced than the hunter-gatherer tool-kits. Hunter-gatherer and farming societies contributed greatly to the success of humanity. Both groups had different goals and different experiences, which influenced the tools they needed on a daily basis. Due to the fact that hunter-gatherer communities began to

Greed and Grievance in Civil War Research Paper

Greed and Grievance in Civil War - Research Paper Example The author explored the greed theory, preference, and grievance and rebellion in relation to the onset of the war. Using 78 large civil wars in existence, they found that constraints of resources evoke the sense of rebellion and subsequent conflicts. In addition, the authors discovered that during the American Civil War, for instance, there were over 1,000 combat-related deaths. Besides, the authors identify that the war was caused by two main structural and system malfunction. Notably, using preference and constraints as key elements, they noted that Civil war was more prevalent because constraints to rebellion were typically weak. It meant that the group could advance its agitation with limited control from any authority. Secondly, the war started because preference to rebellion was typically strong. In addition, they identified political scientist analysis that the war was advance further by the existence of diversity that includes racial, tribal and religious groups. Political re pression, discrimination, and racial segregation are noted as the leading causes of the civil war. In addition, it notes that rebellion and social movement was the biggest platform that pushed for preference and later rebellion.Moreover, the authors studied labor organization movement and agitation for better working conditions and good wages as the fundamental contributors to rising of the war. Evidently, the authors found that it took 500-5000 employees rebellion from a workplace to instigate a wave of the civil action in the firm.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Personal insight of the film "Sullivan's Travels" Statement

Insight of the film "Sullivan's Travels" - Personal Statement Example Sturges prefers planting the camera in front of the characters or actors; or have the camera follow actors when walking, and simply observing what is witty. The film does not shy in acknowledging the Great Depression. Sullivan’s discussion, the first one, with the studio leaders through the entire film, I see a genuine conflict between his wishes to present the suffering around him and also their wish in distracting audiences via the making of escapist pictures . It is only in the end does he, Sullivan, notice that perhaps the heads at the studio may be having the right idea. The movie changes humor style and tone each a few minutes. The movie shows some paradox tone, the movie has humor and gravity existing side-by-side, the tragicomic picture or view whose objective is comedy but it premise is a serious in nature ; the movie aims at both making people laugh and think. I am in a dilemma of comfortable classifying Sullivans Travels into either the â€Å"comedy-not tragedy† or "comedy-ha-ha† modes of humor. Sullivan’s Travels is more of Sullivan’s film, and the movie is presenting exactly what the character has set out to discover. Moreover, the movie avails an integration of comedy, inspiration, and pathos that jointly reinforce and also paradoxically demean the filmmakers’ argument. The movie has various exquisite scene of gags, for example the chase scene where a trailer after Sullivan in the dirt roads and fields, the varied expressions found on the portrait at the house’s window, and a number of characters falling into the pool. The presence of verbal humor emanates in most of the encounters with the Girl’s sarcastic comments that are dry, and Sullivan’s associates. The movie Sullivan’s Travels is also ironic; Sturges criticizes the motivations and methods of the Popular Front, but at the same time, he perpetuates to give social critique of the manner and style of the Popular Front. Sturges was able to

Wal-Marts Marketplace Clout Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wal-Marts Marketplace Clout - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Wal-Mart’s marketplace clout is tremendous. It controls about 30 percent of the household’s staples market. It sells 15 percent of all magazines and 15-20 percent of all CDs, DVDs, and videos. It is expected to soon control over 35 percent of U.S food sales. Wal-Mart has risen to dominate the retail market through the bargain prices it offers to consumers. Due to its cost efficiencies, it has attained and the pressure it places on suppliers make it affordable to give customers products at low prices. As much as Wal-Mart offers low prices, not everyone loves it. It also has charges that criticize the retail behemoth. One, Wal-Mart’s buying power and cost-saving efficiencies force local rivals out of business, in turn disrupting local communities, costing jobs and injuring established business districts. Second, Wal-Mart pays low wages and is staunchly anti-union. Its labor cost is 20 percent lower than that of unioniz ed supermarkets. Moreover, its hard-line on costs has forced many factories to move overseas, resulting in sacrificing American jobs and thus, holds wages down. Government welfare program subsidizes Wal-Mart’s poverty level wages. One congressional report shows that a two hundred employee store costs the government a fortune that is: housing assistance, children healthcare, and tax credits are paid by the government. Lastly, as Wal-Mart grows and its competitors fall by the wayside, consumer’s choice narrows and the retail exert even greater power as a cultural censor. For instance; Wal-Mart won’t carry computer games and music with the mature rating. Therefore, the big music companies supply it with sanitized versions of explicit CDs that they supply to the radio stations, and that are sold elsewhere. The retailer has also removed racy magazines, such as FHM and Maxim, from its racks and it obscures the cover of Glamour, Cosmopolitan, and Redbook.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Personal insight of the film "Sullivan's Travels" Statement

Insight of the film "Sullivan's Travels" - Personal Statement Example Sturges prefers planting the camera in front of the characters or actors; or have the camera follow actors when walking, and simply observing what is witty. The film does not shy in acknowledging the Great Depression. Sullivan’s discussion, the first one, with the studio leaders through the entire film, I see a genuine conflict between his wishes to present the suffering around him and also their wish in distracting audiences via the making of escapist pictures . It is only in the end does he, Sullivan, notice that perhaps the heads at the studio may be having the right idea. The movie changes humor style and tone each a few minutes. The movie shows some paradox tone, the movie has humor and gravity existing side-by-side, the tragicomic picture or view whose objective is comedy but it premise is a serious in nature ; the movie aims at both making people laugh and think. I am in a dilemma of comfortable classifying Sullivans Travels into either the â€Å"comedy-not tragedy† or "comedy-ha-ha† modes of humor. Sullivan’s Travels is more of Sullivan’s film, and the movie is presenting exactly what the character has set out to discover. Moreover, the movie avails an integration of comedy, inspiration, and pathos that jointly reinforce and also paradoxically demean the filmmakers’ argument. The movie has various exquisite scene of gags, for example the chase scene where a trailer after Sullivan in the dirt roads and fields, the varied expressions found on the portrait at the house’s window, and a number of characters falling into the pool. The presence of verbal humor emanates in most of the encounters with the Girl’s sarcastic comments that are dry, and Sullivan’s associates. The movie Sullivan’s Travels is also ironic; Sturges criticizes the motivations and methods of the Popular Front, but at the same time, he perpetuates to give social critique of the manner and style of the Popular Front. Sturges was able to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Creating a Safe and Healthy Work place Literature review - 1

Creating a Safe and Healthy Work place - Literature review Example The origins of a safe and healthy workplace have come in from the discussions which have centered on the premise of bringing out the best value for the sake of the most prized resources, i.e. the employees themselves. (Cantor, 2008). Ever since there has been debate on the pointer of the safe and healthy workplace domains, the employees have started to realize that they need to be offered the best possible avenues from where their growth and development could be ensured within the professional ranks. The safe and healthy workplace debates are being propagated because these center on the premise of bringing about a positive and the  incremental change – a change that happens for the wellness of the people at large, and in building solid links and relationships with the top management hierarchies. The safe and healthy workplace realms are always appreciated within the global organizations because these have been benchmarked with the passage of time. It is imperative to think o f these understandings in terms of the best practices as such, because this is the need of the hour (Cantor, 2008). What is significant here is to comprehend the fact that its origins get recharged whenever there are irregularities within the relevant systems, and when there is a dire need to get the act straight for the restoration of safe and healthy workplace domains. The safe and healthy workplace realms are staunchly built upon the rationale that the employees must receive the maximum benefits.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analyse How an Adaptation of Your Choice Deals with Gender - Catwoman Essay Example for Free

Analyse How an Adaptation of Your Choice Deals with Gender Catwoman Essay The representation of female super heroes in the media can be said to have had huge institutional, political and social influences that would suggest those in power are favoured at the expense of those without. Female super heroes tend to promote sexualisation and stereotypical gender roles of women, throughout comic books and super hero movies, but why? In this essay I will look at the character of Catwoman, and her representation as a female, particularly in the 2004 adaptation film â€Å"Catwoman†. Originally, she is an iconic character in the batman series. Created in 1940 by Bob Kane (batman creator) and Bill Finger, she has had a strong presence in batman comics and adaptations since then. Her role as a mysterious burglar and jewel thief led her to just miss out on a place in the top ten, ranking 11th in IGN’s ‘Top 100 comic book Villains of all time’ (2009) and 51st in Wizard magazines ‘100 greatest villains of all time’ list (2006). The character has been used in hundreds of comic books, as well as video games, radio stations, TV series, animated series and films. Although she is featured in mostly batman productions and texts, Catwoman was given her first comic book series in 1993, written mostly by Jim Balent. Several years down the line, Catwoman stared as the lead role in the feature film, made in 2004. The movie was an example of post feminism at its best, as in the 1970’s, only 15% of action adventure movies cast female leads. The movie was directed by Pitof and was released on July 23 by Warner Bros. and Village Roadshow Pictures. The cast members include Halle Berry, who plays Catwoman, Benjamin Bratt, Sharon Stone and Frances Conroy. I have chosen to analyse this movie because females are not usually given dominant roles in superhero movies, especially as the lead character. There are many stereotypes that surround women, and I believe this movie challenges those. The film was inspired by the DC comics villain of the same name, however stars a new character, Patience Phillips. There are several similarities to the original character. For example, she has similar office job and is killed by someone she works for. In the 1992 movie staring Michelle Pfeiffer, she uncovers a dark secret in the company and is thrown to her death from a great height. The plot for the more recent movie is very like its predecessor. In both versions she is brought back to life by a group of wild cats. However the most relevant similarity is her appearance and costume. Throughout the film, Catwoman is dressed in a tight black latex costume, black connoting mystery and evil. This material is often associated with sexuality; it clings to her body and shows off her curves. Over the years her costumes have become even more provocative, with this Catwoman being more fetish than ever. These clothes represent Catwoman as a sexual image to be looked at by the opposite sex. Laura Mulvey describes this as the Male Gaze. She explains In their traditional exhibitionist role, women are simultaneously looked at and displayed with their appearance, coded for strong visual and erotic impact so it can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness. (1975, p33). It is arguable that woman in the genre of action, drama and super hero are not represented as women, rather an object of sexual desire. The women featured in such genres are slim, pretty, and all wear tight clothing. Lillian Robinson refers to woman super heroes as a pin up girl in a cape, rather than genuine characters (2006). The skimpy outfit has great erotic significance (Richard Reynolds 1994) and could create a negative portrayal of females, as well as being a very bad influence for the young women and girls who watch the movie, or read the comics. Clearly, the media heavily influences teenagers already. They follow the latest fashion trends from celebrities, coolest haircuts, and they diet and loose weight to look like the people they see on TV and in magazines. They look up to the people in the media, and the image of Halle Berry in the cat suit, may encourage young girls to objectify themselves in a similar way. Already, Playboy as a brand has become a fashionable thing, for young girls even at the age of 8. They have the playboy bunny pencil cases, posters and duvet covers. Just like this, cat woman may encourage youthful girls to dress inappropriately with increased sexuality. Even Catwoman’s make-up connotes sexualisation. Her lips are painted scarlet red, which draws your attention straight to her mouth, as well as being the colour of lust to stimulate sexual arousal. This idea is due to the fact men and women have more blood flowing through their lips whilst aroused, turning them a darker shade. Halle Berry was most likely cast because of her beauty. Her eyes, lips, body and sex appeal come before everything else in the movie, (Roger Ebert, 2006). The director of this movie has chosen to portray her as an object of sexual desire for men, rather than a role model for the power and liberation of women. Typical of Hollywood movies, the overtly sexualised view of women is rooted in the darkest chamber of male desire, (Kevin Maher, 2005). She appears powerful and dominant, however, she is in fact the opposite, and inferior to the gaze of men. Laura Mulvey says in her book Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, Women as image, men as bearer of the look, (1975). Personally this idea is predictable and brings nothing new to the genre. Wonder Woman first appeared on screen wearing a gold bra and blue knickers, and in those 36 years gone by, you have to ask yourself, why do superheroes need to be dressed so provocatively? Why can’t the action hero fight crime and ‘kick ass’ in a baggy jumper and a pair of dungarees? Kevin Maher, 2005). I believe the reason behind this is due to the fact that the representation of characters such as Catwoman and Wonder Woman where created by those with power over women. The institution DC comics created both in the 1940’s, which was largely if not entirely controlled by men. Women had no control over their creation and as powerful as Catwoman may be, she is still just an image of the male gaze. Created in a time where females had no authority, they where not able to argue against what could be considered as an unfair representation. Angelia McRobbie has a theory in defence of this sexualised representation, and believes men did not create this image. Women have gained the equality they where fighting for, and now they are using their assets to their advantages. In this case, Catwoman is willingly showing of her body to attract the male gaze, because it gives her power over men. She summarises that post feminism positively draws on and invokes feminism, (1994). However it’s not all negative, Over time things have changed, the presence of female leads in the super hero genre has increased, and to an extent therefore, time has favoured the female lead. Some 50 years ago, males where seen as the hero, there to protect the fragile women. Superman and Lois Lane are a classic example of where the lead role is given to a man, he is strong and courageous, while Lois is inferior to him, she has no special abilities and relies on him completely. However, the number of women in this genre proves a success for the feminist woman and an improvement in today’s society. Iconic actresses such as Angelina Jolie and Uma Thurman have stared as the female lead in modern action movies. Lara Croft, Tomb Raider and Kill Bill are both examples of woman taking active roles, and how accepting it is in this particular genre. Jolie also stared in Mr and Mrs Smith, which showed her as an equal to her husband, just as strong and just as capable of fulfilling the dominant lead. Catwoman has evolved over time, first known as The Cat in DC comics; she then progressed onto TV screens. Her sexual appearance made her an object of desire to the eyes of the male audience, and a role model to girls who wanted to be her, Suzan Colon (2004). In the Halle Berry adaptation, Catwoman is reborn a new woman, sleek, sexy, ambitious and not held back by the restraints of society. She is rebellious and follows her own desires as a feline crime fighter. This representation of Catwoman forces the question that perhaps contemporary women are constrained by the rules of society and are not free. Catwoman challenges the female stereotype and adopts the masculine lead role in this superhero movie. She is a protagonist, independent and capable of standing alone. A crucial scene in the movie shows Catwoman arguing with a large masculine looking man. She demands he turn down his music, which results in her physically attacking him. The argument ends with him lying on the floor with her foot on top of him. This scene portrays her as superior to the man, and the physical pose makes him vulnerable to her. This scene is important, because when she was her human self, known as Patience, the man would not listen to her. As Catwoman, her voice is heard. Simone de Beauvior Invokes ‘the independent women’ who wants to be active, wants to take things for themselves and refuses the passivity men try and want to impose on her. The modern woman accepts masculine values; she prides herself on thinking, getting a job and working to pay her own way, existing on the same terms as man, (1949). Catwoman does exactly that. She completely demolishes feminine stereotypes at the end of the movie when she rejects the love interest and chooses to be a free independent woman. She is not reliant on anyone, especially a man and because of that, I believe this movie demonstrates a victory for women. â€Å"Freedom is power† (Catwoman, 2004). Motivated by revenge, no man stands in her way. However another scene tells a very different story and shows off Catwoman as purely a vision of sexual desire. As she is transformed from patience Phillips, into Catwoman, supposedly now free and independent, we are reminded of her physical qualities. ‘Reminded’ is an understatement actually; it’s thrown in our faces. As she walks across a rooftop the camera angle starts from her feet, moves up her legs and to the top of her body. Paying particular attention to her bum, first impressions are everything! This scene completely confirms Mulvey’s theory, and as Liz Wells suggests, certain films objectify the female star, (2004). However Catwoman is not the only dominant female in this movie. Hedare Beauty is the company Patience works for, and is run by a man named George, or so you are made to believe. Yet in fact, the one calling all the shots is his wife, Laurel. She is controlling the strings of her puppet husband and forces him to her way of thinking. She is an evil, sinister character, full of greed, and in the end she kills her husband in cold blood. She is the villain in this movie, but also a woman in power and free from the constraints of society. In the early 1970’s, after the second wave of feminism, more women were gaining better professions and breaking out of the stereotypical roles. The post modern figure of a female became more appealing to both genders, and resulted in women wanting to achieve higher status in the world of work. An example of such acceptance was seen in the recently released song by male pop artist Ne-Yo, called ‘Miss Independent’. This continues the suggestion of the need for change in the way female super heroes where represented in order to capture the post-modern audience. Catwoman and Laurel Hedare are both great examples of female presence in superhero movies and the result of female empowerment. Judith Butler brings an interesting theory to the table. She believes gender is free floating, rather than fixed, that males and females aren’t simply masculine and feminine. She says that gender is a performance, rather than an aspect of our identity and we behave differently on different occasions. This theory suggests Catwoman isn’t necessarily challenging gender roles by taking on the masculine super hero, but rather an act she’s choosing to play. Women can be masculine because the individual chooses their gender identity. â€Å"When the constructed status of gender is theorized as radically independent of sex, gender itself becomes a free floating artifice, with the consequence that man and masculine might just as easily signify a female body as a male one, and woman and feminine a male body as easily as a female one† (Judith Butler, 1990, p6). Interestingly she suggests that if there where no longer conventional roles for either gender it would be considered the norm for a woman to be in a position of power at work or for a man to stay at home looking after the children. After looking into the history of Catwoman, her creation, and other adaptations in the past, I believe her image is over sexualised. The film is centralised around a beautiful woman, wearing the sexy, tight black costume to do none other than attract male attention. They do however promote that she is a powerful woman and has the freedom to do as she pleases. The fact that a female is the lead role in a movie of this genre is a positive thing. Although the message left behind is that to have freedom and power, you have to entail being objectified. In the end, this movie has done the same as its predecessors, portray woman in a sexualised, unrealistic and in a possibly insulting way.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Psychodelic Drugs Essay -- essays research papers

Psychodelic Drugs Alcohol Alcohol is one of the most widely used drugs in this society. It is accepted as a part of social life. Its use is widely promoted via sponsorship of sporting events. Advertising infers that drinking is the path to happiness, success, romance, etc. There are references to alcohol and its effects from earliest known writings. Alcohol is consumed in the beverage form and sold legally in this state to persons over 21. Alcohol is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine. It is distributed by the blood throughout the body, affecting literally every organ it touches in a matter of minutes. Enzymes in the liver metabolize alcohol at a rate of 10-15 ml (less than one half ounce) per hour. Hence, only time can sober someone up. Coffee, cold showers, or exercise do not work. The warm glow of disinhibition, "letting go" is a major desired effect of alcohol. People feel more sociable and talkative with small amounts of the drug. Alcohol is a relaxant, so many people drink to unwind from the demands of life. Because alcohol has been around for so long, its effects are well-known. Two key concepts to understand in dealing with alcohol use and abuse are impairment and tolerance. They are both problems in themselves and signals of possible additional difficulties. IMPAIRMENT refers to the deficits in performance, judgment, memory, and motor skills which occur because of alcohol consumption. Impairment becomes noticeable at blood levels of 0.05%, which can occur when as few as two drinks are consumed in an hour by a 160 pound person. The deceptive part about impairment is that, by definition, impaired judgment cannot recognize its own impairment. The individual thinks he or she is functioning well, when actually s/he is not. Later, there is impaired memory of the impaired performance. TOLERANCE means that a drug loses some of its effect with repeated use, and that higher and higher doses are needed. It is the body's way of adapting to having a foreign substance in the system. People develop a high tolerance to alcohol when they drink a great deal over an extended length of time. "WHILE T... ...V Class C Misdemeanors some depressants1 Valium-type tranquilizers, some less potent depressants 30 days $500 SCHEDULE V Violation Dilute mixtures, compounds with small amounts of controlled drugs None $1,000 Delivery of less than five grams or possession or less than one ounce of marijuana is a violation. established mandatory evaluation, education and treatment services for those under 18 years old. If services are successfully completed, the charge will be dropped. Alcohol is an illegal drug for those under 21 years of age. For a driver under 18 ANY detectable amount of alcohol (above .00 BAC) is grounds for losing the license. That pretty much sums it up for psychodelic drugs. I hope this proved to you that if you use a psychodelic drug that you should stop, unless it is alchol because it is not as bad as LSD, pcp, or anything you have to inject or snort. So I sign out with I hope you learned something, I mean you had to you could'ent have know all of this information. Biblyography Name Year Type Microsoft Encarta 96' Encyclopedia Dartmouth collage 95' Brochure White House 97' Internet

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Graham Greenes The Human Factor Essay -- Graham Greene Human Factor

Graham Greene's The Human Factor "Love was a total risk. Literature had always so proclaimed it. Tristan, Anna Karenina, even the lust of Lovelace - he had glanced at the last volume of Clarissa [13]." People are torn apart from one another simply because of a lack of understanding or a difference in each individual's definition of life. The highest hopes, dreams, and aspirations of one person may be trivial in the eyes of another. The way that one would define love, good, and evil could very well be the exact opposite of another's definition. To one society or culture, a man may seem to be a god because of his beliefs and values; while, to another, that man may appear to be a devil. In his The Human Factor, Graham Greene makes the reader question his or her own values and definitions while following the fast-paced and mysterious life of an English double agent. The binding power of love, the true determent of evil and the cleansing force of good are shown to be all in the eye of the beholder. As Castle, who could e asily be paralleled to both the author and the legendary and fictitious James Bond, says in the novel, love of anything is a total risk. But, it is that binding power of love, whether it is love of another or love of a country or society, that acts as a stabilizing force in society's comprehension and balance of good and evil. The character of Castle is as complex as his interpretation of the meanings of love, good, and evil as well as the connection between the three entities. Throughout the entire novel, Greene plays on the reader's assumption that Castle is not the double-agent. More importantly, he is perhaps the only character in the novel that the reader instantly associates with and perce... ...ions are just like those of Castle in the novel. Therefore, it is almost plausible to conclude that Greene personified himself as Castle. Since Castle seems to believe that he is the perfect spy or hero - James Bond, then Greene also believes this about himself. The beliefs of Castle would then be representative of Greene. By taking advantage of man's natural tendencies to apply their knowledge of good, evil, and love to any given situation, Greene has made a spy mystery that requires the reader to challenge his or her own definitions. The simple story of a lone crusader in the sea of enemies becomes a battle between good and evil, God and the Devil, and love and hate through the mastery of Greene's poetic hand. In the words of Davis, the reader has become "an actor who has been miscast: when he tried to live up to the costume, he... fumbled the part" [4].

Friday, October 11, 2019

My Achievement Family Essay

Everybody has their own personal experience and has their own achievement throughout their lives. My achievement just happens to be when I saved my father’s life. On April 8th-13th, during Spring Break of 2008, we were living in Yorktown, Virginia and my family and I decided to take a vacation to Goldsboro, North Carolina to celebrate my 15th birthday. It is also a place to go swimming and ride ATV’s (four-wheelers), dirt-bikes, go-carts etc. This fantastic place is called â€Å"Busco Beach†. When driving, it only takes four to five hours to get there, depending on traffic. When we arrived, we unloaded the four-wheelers off the trailer, set the camper up for all of us to sleep in, and we had such a fantastic time until the third day there. That day started out terrific. We rode ATV’s all around Busco Beach, went to the concession stand where they have cheese-sticks with mozzarella sauce, hotdogs, nachos, and lots more. I always ended up getting the cheese-sticks with mozzarella sauce because they were always delicious. That day, every moment of every second was an exciting eventful day until that night. My family decided to take an all together family ride, but my mom ended up going back to the campsite early to make dinner. My mother had left, and my brother and I asked our father if we could play tag. He said yes; therefore, we ended up playing tag for a little while, and we all started to get hungry. My brother and I mentioned to our father that we were hungry, and he agreed. We stopped playing tag, and began to head back to our campsite. When my brother and I got back to the campsite, something did not feel right. I looked back behind me and noticed that my father was not around. I developed a gut wrenching feeling something was wrong, and that’s when I heard my father’s whistle. Still hearing my father whistling, and without any hesitation, I rushed to him as quickly as possible and saw him on the ground writhing. All soaked, from head to toe, he continuously patted his head and stomach to keep himself from passing out. The four-wheeler was flipped onto its side halfway in the water. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911. The ambulance came and took him away to the hospital. The doctors had informed us that my father’s bones were sticking out of his left leg and needed to go into surgery ASAP. They also said that if I would not have gone back for him, he would not have made it. We decided to go home the next day because we knew he would be in a lot of pain and that he needed his rest. The next day came, and we asked him what exactly happened. My father ended up saying he â€Å"blacked out†. A couple weeks have passed, and I have received an award from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) where my father worked. I have received this award for being a brave young lady and for being a hero. When I found my father lying on the ground, I was extremely terrified he would not have made it with all the gruesome things that have happened to him. What happened to my father was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. Going through this experience has changed my life, and knowing that this had happened to my father, it could happen to anyone. I do not want any family going through the same experience I have gone through, and I especially do not want anybody getting hurt as my father has. I’m very grateful my father is because if I would not have heard him whistling, or felt that something was not right, he would not be here on this earth today. I have thanked God many times for not taking my father away from his family, and I hope no one has to go through what I went through.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mission Statement of Nokia Essay

Nokia Corporation defines its mission to connect people through mobile phone technology and quotes its mission statement as follows; â€Å"Our strategic intent is to build great mobile products our job is to enable billions of people everywhere to get connected.† Operations Management Mission of Nokia: Nokia Goals and objectives in the market are as follows: To build great mobile products. To help people feel near to what matters to them. To enable billions of people to get more of life’s opportunities through mobiles. To capture volume and value growth to connect the next billion people to the Internet in developing growth markets. OM Department Mission of Nokia: Product design: Nokia cares about developing products that meet specific need of its customers. Thus for example, all the products of Business Solution mode are tailored to the requirement of specific entrepreneur seeking the  optimal solution for him. While in mobile phone section, the lifestyle of the target group is also analyzed. Quality Management: As the customer is the driving force in Nokia, so managing the quality is started with familiar with customer requirements and then processes are continuously improved according to the feedback received from the customers. Process Design: Nokia has design the capacity to ensure meeting all the demand (capacity built in view of demand supports the credibility of Nokia). Location: As a global company, Nokia operates in over 130 countries with the headquartered in Espoo in Finland, in the origins of Nokia. To create cutting edge technologies, it carries out researches in technologically advanced countries. Moreover, according to its diversity and location policy, Nokia wants to cooperate with companies form different locations as gaining new markets is one of the company’s goals. Layout Design: Nokia as an international company also uses global manufacturing network that gives them the ability to respond quickly to changes in demand and technology. They have suppliers in all parts of the world so that they can easily introduce changes to their processes and the utilization of resources is optimal. Human Resources: One of the Nokia strength is the employees. That’s why it aims to create them the best working environment and growth opportunities. It conducts several programs to encourage them to submit their own ideas and contribute to the company’s growth such as  ´Listening to You ´ annual survey or conducted by intranet â€Å"Ask HR† that gives a quick and openly published response for all queries. Supply Chain Management: Nokia’s supply chain includes direct sourcing (material supply for Nokia products, such as components, parts, packaging, contract manufacturing, software development, and research and development) and indirect sourcing (office equipment, services etc.) Inventory: Thanks to joint ventures and close cooperation with their supplier, Nokia can optimize their inventory levels. The suppliers as Nokia partners also participate in product development process, what helps better assess the needs of the future production. Efficient management of the inventory is also supported by the diversification of the location of suppliers. Moreover Nokia builds its inventory in view of demand, minimum levels of the inventory has to be maintained. Scheduling: Average life cycle of a mobile phone is about 2 years and during one year many new models are introduced. That’s why production of one line of products is done simultaneously with the research and design process of new products. Scheduling and taking measures in anticipation of new ventures is in this case a critical issue. Maintenance: Providing training and development for their employees is one of the Nokia’s promises. They pay much attention to be in touch with all new technologies and maintained the high level of well trained staff.

Five ways of identifying a setting Essay

My essay will examine five ways of identifying a setting as inclusive. I work as a nanny in a sole charge role, in a family home. I work with a family of 3 children, one of the little girls has additional needs and she attends a special needs school. I will reflect on my life experiences and the course material within this essay and how this has influenced my understanding of inclusion. Inclusion is about feeling like you belong, being valued and feeling happy within the setting and the local community, regardless of social backgrounds, age and ability. The five criteria I have chosen are The name of the setting, social inclusion, the curriculum, setting funding, and the view of inclusion presented. I have chosen these criteria as I believe they can form the basis for a setting to be seen as inclusive. I believe that the name of the setting says a lot about what is taking place, if you are sending a child to a special unit attached to a school my view is that it should have the same name as the school. Social inclusion is important because everybody has the right to be treated the same, everybody should be interacted with and spoken to in a kind and friendly manner. I think its important that the same curriculum should be followed in all educational settings and then adapted as required for individual needs. It sets a baseline for the educational system so that essential fundamentals are met. I feel that the settings funding needs to be provided equally between main school and special units. I understand that special settings require additional equipment to support their children and needs to be taken into consideration. However, the amount of money spent for teachers should be the same. I think peoples own opinion on inclusion is important as everybody needs to work to the same guidelines in early years provision. If perspective parents are not presented with an adequate view of inclusion it could greatly effect their standpoint on certain settings. All of the five criteria are important to me when thinking about inclusion, and my own understanding of what inclusion involves. Part B Name of setting Pen green has its own name which is unique to the setting, where as Aspen 2 a special needs school has given the name as an addition to the main stream school. Aspen 2 used to be referred to as the mobile which wasnt seen as inclusive. Aspen 2 is now in the main stream school and has it owns unique unit. Deri View is a newly built primary school with a childrens centre attached the local community had a say in the design and structure of the  building. The school and childrens centre is in a poorly deprived part of Wales. Social inclusion Pen Green is a centre for under 5s and their families in Corby in Northamptonshire. Pen green shows social inclusion through its video clips. Pen Green has an open community, providing team building and meet and greet sessions. Pen Green focuses on the whole family, it allows children to progress from a very young age offering groups such as baby massage. The centre offers a wide range of groups and drop in classes, there are options to go to something everyday. Pen Green cares about all the children at the centre and gives them all equal chances at learning and play. Sheena Griffiths-baker a teacher at Pen green explains that we will being these observations to plan for him as an individual (E214,DVD2) which tells me that the setting is inclusive . Pen green offers classes for parents to learn GCSEs or computer courses, which has helped the parents to gain confidence and independence. At Aspen 2 the children all have additional needs they are included in some main stream school lessons. The Aspen 2 students are treated equally in main stream lessons they are given the same work load but are provided with learning support assistants (LSA) to help them to understand. The Aspen 2 students take part in P.E all together and its adapted to their needs. Deri View is a school with the Acorn Childrens Centre attached to it. The school offers primary aged teaching with the Acorn Centre ranging from pregnancy to 13 years old. The Acorn Centre works with the local community to provide children with a breakfast club. The centre offers adult learning and services for parents to use e.g. the crche for when they go to study at the centre. Maggie Teague the head teacher at Deri View comments 70 of our pupils parents were unemployed now that has gone down to between 30 and 40. I am certain the school has an impact, because of the number of parents who have started with us through family learning are now in employment (E214,DVD2). The curriculum The Pen Green centre offers a wide and varied curriculum staff members observe childrens patterns of learning and make action plans on the children to help with planning activities that are age and stage appropriate. The centre records videos of the children which is known as the PICLE involvement, this allows parents to view what their children have been doing at nursery and can link in with what the child is doing at home. Sheena Griffiths-baker explains about the PICLE group There are several PICLE groups, so there will be  morning afternoon and evening PICLE groups so it as available as possible to many parents, so during that time they watch of video of him, the worker discusses whats happening with the parent and then the parents reciprocates with there information of what is happening at home.(E214,DVD2) There are courses for parents to gain an education and learning together groups for adults. At Aspen 2 the local educational authority aims to develop and provide inclusion at the school. The children work to the same curriculum as the main stream school, the activities are adapted to the students needs. Sarah Wilmshurst a teacher at Aspen 2 comments I take the abilities of all children into consideration (E214, DVD2). Children are allowed to sit nearer to the front that allow for sight problems and hearing needs. Some of the children in Aspen 2 work on the gold curriculum which is part of the main stream school programme for children who are struggling. Aspen 2 children are included in sports days, music and art lessons. Richard and Sam two students talk about the Aspen 2 course programmes and that the students gain a course certificate at the end. A teaching assistant called Mary Fellows talks about how some of the children can not access the mainstream education, especially the PMLD students that she works with.(E214,DVD2) At the Deri View school and the Acorn Centre they work together to give the families the best support available, they provide respite care and work with health visitors and the local authority. The butterflies pre-school provided free childcare for children ages 2 and half to 5 years on five mornings a week. The Acorn Centre has credit union service that comes in to the centre to help parents and give advice. The children also have their own saving scheme available to them. Funding and recourses The Pen Green setting provides funding for childrens groups and adult learning courses to allow everybody to be given a chance to attend the services provided by the centre. Pen Green uses the European social fund. Deri View and the Acorn Centre work together with the welsh assembly to provide free breakfasts for children in the area, all children are included. The centre has access to the community fund. Aspen 2 is given money from the local authority to help with special equipment needed to teach the lessons. The PMLD group has bought equipment to make them inclusive. The course materials state that the mechanisms that local authorities use to distribute their resources can have an impact on the development of inclusive practices (E214, Unit 12, p.209)  Views of inclusion The community around Pen Green see that the centre is for parents, grandparents, males and females of all ages and cultures, it provides groups to suit the needs of everybody and the centre represents new schemes in the area. Pen green provides partnerships with local schools and the community. At Pen Green, Donna the Community Education Manager says Pen Greens unique as it grew out of a community and planned by the community (E214, DVD2.) Sure start is used within the centre sign language groups provide people to learn how to communicate with the deaf. The centre has been used for generations. The Aspen 2 setting is for children with serve learning difficulties. One to one LSA support teachers are provided to students. Main stream teachers provide hints on work sheets to allow the Aspen 2 children to be able to do the work. Lynne Mills a teaching assistant at Aspen 2 says in the last 8 years I have had to do a lot more training, (E214,DVD2) This is so that she has the skills provided to teach individual children. Deri View and the Acorn Centre work together and share joint management. The sure start centre is part of the Acorn Centre. The Acorn Centre provides a food co-op, midwifes and speak and language classes. There is a community bus that goes around the people who are unable to make it to the centre and has rhyme times and story sessions on board. The centre has a drop in area for parents where they can go to get a hot drink, have a chat or use the parents forums. Conclusion I feel that a setting needs to treat children, parents and adults as equals to allow the setting to be fully inclusive. All settings need to be offered the recourses needed and given funding to all departments justice. References The Open University, E214 Equality, participation and inclusion learning from each other views, 2011 The Open University, E214 Equality, participation and inclusion learning from each other, DVD 2, 2010